A non-profit arts association providing resources, community, support, and advocacy to its members; Alta loves ALTA.
Advocates for published authors since 1912; Alta formerly served as inaugural co-ambassador of the Chicago Regional Chapter.
A collective of literary translators offering unique linguistic, cultural, and market expertise.
A non-profit organization advancing traditional and contemporary ideas in the art of hand papermaking; Alta served on its board of directors.
Where Alta earned an MFA in combined media.
A design tour and workshop series in northern Italy focused on Latin letterforms, calligraphy, and typography.
A wealth of translation resources; Alta has served as a juror for some of the grants and awards PEN offers.
A local chapter of the ATA; Alta formerly served as VP and Acting President.
Where Alta earned a BFA in printmaking.
A Chicago-based community of international literary translators.
Who we talk about when we talk about translation . . .