Adrian Frutiger
Typophiles Monograph, New Series No. 30. The essay was written as a preface to the publication Adrian Frutiger, son oeuvre typographique et ses écrits (Villeurbanne: Maison du livre, de l'image et du son, 1994), for which the German-language original was translated into French. The original German version appeared later that same year in Adrian Frutiger, Denken und Schaffen einer Typografie, released by the same publisher. Both publications were catalogs that accompanied the traveling retrospective exhibition of Frutiger's work. The essay now appears in English for the first time, translated by Alta L. Price, with a new afterword by the author, written for this new edition. The text is set in fourteen different types designed by Frutiger. Cover printed letterpress by Bradley Hutchinson. Designed by Maxim Zhukov.